Candy Striped Crochet Flower


Candy Striped Crochet Flower

Candy Striped Crochet Flower
Candy Striped Crochet Flower

This two-toned crochet flower is the perfect accent for a beanie or scarf. Crocheted in pink and white yarn, the Candy Striped Crochet Flower is a super quick work up. It would look particularly adorable on a hat for a little girl. It is small enough to be crocheted with the remaining yarn from an older project. You could attach this free crochet pattern to a safety pin and pin it to your winter coat.


Crochet Hook4.5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(3) Light/DK (21-24 stitches to 4 inches)

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Oh my goodness yes. It's pretty, it's easy and I can make it up in minutes. I love patterns such as this. I can see it in these colors on a little girls hat or dress. Or I can see it done in red and white with the white yarn with silver thread running thru it for Christmas flowers. Thank you for sharing.


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