Learn to Crochet Love to Crochet


Learn to Crochet Love to Crochet

Learn to Crochet Love to CrochetLearn to Crochet Love to Crochet
Gifted by: Quadrille Publishing
Reviewed by Christine Weiher, Editor, AllFreeCrochet.com

Of the many years crocheting has been around, we never expected it to become this crazy fad that appeals to younger people, as well as older. The stereotypical crocheter is a grandma who’s working up a neat little project for a grandchild. Not anymore! In Learn to Crochet Love to Crochet you will find 20 hand-crocheted accessories and garments to make yourself or make a friend, regardless of age.


With over 20 inspirational patterns of colorful, modern, and stylish designs, you will certainly find your new favorite pattern whether you’re a beginner or an advanced crocheter. The beginning of the book touches base on the fundamentals of crochet, the basics, and tips and hints to guide you every step of the way. As you turn the pages you will see easy crochet patterns that teach how to crochet. Such projects are a snood and headband, a denim plaid scarf, slippers, a cardigan and more. Then you continue in the book and find a bit more difficult patterns that you will quickly learn to love.


With easy to follow step-by-step photos and helpful tips, you can create your own masterpiece in no time. Each of the projects is fun and flattering to wear. My favorite is the Floral Summer Top on page 95. The openwork design and floral motifs are perfect for the summer months; it’s a nice and cool top to sport to the beach or just a fun day out.


The next time you want to challenge your crochet skills, then check out Learn to Crochet Love to Crochet; it’s the perfect book that will give you a brand new wardrobe.


What type of garment or accessory have you always wanted to crochet?


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A baby blanket for my own little grandchildren who is comming in june


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