Caspian Wood Regular Crochet Hook Set


Caspian Wood Regular Crochet Hook Set

Capsian Wood Crochet Hook SetCaspian Wood Regular Crochet Hook Set
Gifted by: Knit Picks
Reviewed by: Christine Weiher, Editor,

When I first laid eyes on the Caspian Wood Hook Set it took my breath away. These crochet hooks are unlike anything I've seen before. The color design reminds me of an exotic location with beautiful greenery and tall waterfalls. When you look deeply into them you can also imagine beautiful peacock feathers; they're simply beautiful.

This hook set comes in eight crochet hook sizes ranges from E to K, allowing you to work up just about any crochet pattern that comes your way. The smaller hook sizes are great for smaller projects as well as lace and lightweight yarn, while the larger hook sizes are great for a thicker, heavier weight yarn. The hooks have a smooth finish with a small grip making your crochet experience a positive one. Not to mention the deep groove of the head allowing for precision control over each stitch. These hooks are easy to work with.

You'll easily get hooked on this crochet hook set!

What Can I Make with G and H Crochet Hook SizesIf you're wondering what types of projects you can make with certain hook sizes then find out what you can make with "G" and "H" crochet hook sizes. These patterns are must-haves in your collection.




Tell Us: What is your favorite type of crochet hook? Steel? Wooden? Plastic? Other? Leave a comment below and let us know!



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I was given a set of the wooden interchangeable circular needles and can't wait to try these. They are so smooth, do not snag the yarn as you would think wood might. Lovely set of products!!

I use aluminum and plastic hooks. These hooks are so beautiful, I have to have some. Where can I buy them? I would love to crochet with these. They are truly a work of art.

I have only used aluminum, steel and plastic. The metal hooks hold up better than the plastic. I would love to try the wood. They are absolutely beautiful.

These hooks are absolutely beautiful!!!! I have only crocheted with steel hooks and I've been crocheting over 30 years. I would love to be able to try/own a set of these hooks. They are works of art!!

Beautiful wood. Don't own anything like them. Only have aluminum steel. Would be a fun set to add to the collection.

I can't wait to work up a project with these... or maybe I'll just build a shrine to them! No, they definitely deserve to be held in the hand. All my hooks are aluminum so far, so I can't wait to experience this natural alternative!

I have a teak hook my husband made for me from scrap when he was working on a boat - even if it wasn't That special it would be a favorite as working with a wooden hook is a joy.

I've used steel and acrylic. I prefer the steel with a cushion - they are more ergonomic that way. I can't wait to try a wooden one, they are absolutely beautiful.

Leave a comment...beautiful hooks!

Thanks for all of your comments, everyone! Keep them coming!! :) -editors of AllFreeCrochet

I have tried to make a comment, but it keeps asking me for a rating, but I don't see where to rate it at. Am I missing something?

I have just started chrocheting again after not doing it for 7 years and would appreciate some hooks because I gave the ones I had away.

I have not tried the Caspian wood hooks yet, but I love to use the bamboo hooks and needles.

I have only used steel, don't like plastic and have never tried wood. These are beautiful and would love to give them a try!!

I have only ever used steel crochet hooks but find them too hard on my hands with the arthritis, would love the wooden set as I WILL NOT give up my crafts. Thank you I did like JennyBee comment clicked wrong button, Sorry

I've only used steel, but these hooks look amazing! I had the same problem with trying to leave a comment. It keeps asking for my rating and I don't see what I'm supposed to do.

Knit Picks always has such beautiful products.

Knit Picks needles and hooks are the best all around!

I've never used a wooden crochet hook, but have some bamboo knitting needles. I love working with those more than metal ones.I think I would like wood crochet hooks just as much. the warmth and smoothness are wonderful.

I've always love the steel crochet hooks, but I haven't ever tried wood - I think I would love them! Thanks )

I have always used metal crochet hooks. I don't like plastic at all and I have never tried wood. Sure would love to, though!

I love the colors, and Id love to try these! Thanks for the giveaway

I was not able to leave a comment before. I use steel hooks only and these hooks are so beautiful and I heard they stay neither hot nor cold.

These would so yummy to crochet with! Wooden crochet hooks have beautiful slide and usually have a deeper throat which makes them a fave of many! Good Luck to everyone!

I would love to experiment with a set of wooden hooks!

I really like Boye aluminum hooks. I've never tried wood, but I'd like to!

I love wood. It's warm and satiny and just feels good in your hand.

For some reason I am not able to just leave a comment, so am "replying" to an existing comment. I love my Knit Picks knitting needle sets, and would love this set of hooks! Right now I only have metal hooks, so it would be fun to try these gorgeous wood hooks

My favorite crochet hooks are wooden crochet hooks. Although once in a while I will get a hook that needs me ti take a very fine sand paper and sand a little catch. Wooden hooks seem to warm to your hand as you crochet. I have aluminum hooks. Plastic hooks. Some atomically correct hooks because of my arthritis it seems that the wooden hooks are still the best I have used.

My favorite hook at this time is a steel one only because I have never used a wooden hook. Win the set of wooden hooks would be a great addition to my collection of hooks and I would be able to start some more projects such as hats and scarves for the holidays.

I would love to win this set of wooden hooks! I have a few plastic and steel hooks that tend to bend when using thicker yarns. This set would be great! )


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