Heavenly Hygge Hat


Heavenly Hygge Hat

Heavenly Hygge Hat
Heavenly Hygge Hat

"I’ve been itching to work with Tunisian crochet lately, and I just love the way this yarn feels against my skin. This Heavenly Hygge Hat is so warm and is perfect for winter! This simple Tunisian hat uses the Tunisian Knit Stitch and the Tunisian Purl Stitch. Neither of these stitches are too difficult and I even offer a video tutorial. This one is also offered in seven different sizes ranging from newborn to adult. "

NotesPattern written in U.S. terms.


Crochet HookK/10.5 or 6.5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(5) Bulky/Chunky (12-15 stitches for 4 inches)

Crochet Gauge13 sts x 11 rows = 4” square

Finished SizeVaries by size

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