Haunted Halloween Throw


Turn your living room into a spooky space with this Haunted Halloween Throw. This crocheted afghan will add the perfect terrifying touch to your home. Use the tunisian crochet stitch to complete this free crochet afghan pattern.


Crochet HookK/10.5 or 6.5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

Throw measures approximately 27"/69 cm wide x 36"/92 cm long


  • Caron International's Simply Soft  (100% acrylic; 6 oz/170 g, 315 yds/288 m skein):
    #9707 Dk Sage (A), 2 skeins
    #9702 Off White (B), 2 skeins
    #9727 Black (D), 2 skeins
    #9703 Bone (E), 1 skein
  • Caron International's Simply Soft Brites (100% acrylic; 6 oz/170 g, 315 yds/288 m skein):
    #9605 Mango (C), 2 skeins
  • Caron International's Fabulous (100% nylon; 1.76 oz/50 g, 160 yds/146 m ball):
    #0013 Country Cottage (F), 1 ball
  • Caron International's Fling (71% acrylic, 29% polyester; 1.76 oz/50 g, 37 yds/34 m ball):
    #0008 Licorice (G), 1 ball
  • Caron International's One Pound (100% acrylic; 16 oz/453.6 g, 812 yds/742 m skein):
    #0581 Espresso (H), 1 skein
  • One Tunisian (Afghan) hook, size US L-11 (8 mm), or size needed to obtain gauge
  • One crochet hook, size US K-10 1/2 (6.5 mm).
  • Bobbins (optional)
  • Row counter (optional)
  • Ruler (for reading Chart) (optional)

In Tunisian Crochet, 11 sts and 10 rows = 4"/10 cm, using 2 strands of yarn held together

Special Technique:
Changing Colors: When working Step 1, work to bar before color change is needed, drop old color and insert hook into the next vertical bar, yarn over with new color and draw a loop through the vertical bar; complete row. When working Step 2, take care to pick up new color from under and behind old color.

Stitches Used:
Chain (ch)
Half double crochet (hdc)
Slip stitch (slip st)
Tunisian Crochet/Afghan Stitch (any number of stitches)
Note: Each row of Tunisian Crochet is worked in two steps.
Foundation Row (counts as Step 1)
Chain the number of sts indicated in the instructions.
Skip the first ch, * insert hook in second ch from hook, yarn over and pull up a loop (2 loops on hook); repeat from * across, pulling up a loop in each ch.
Complete Foundation Row by working Step 2 (below).
Step 1: With RS facing, working from right to left, pick up the stitches:
Beginning in the second vertical bar of the previous row, * insert hook into the vertical bar, yarn over and draw a loop through the vertical bar (2 loops on hook); repeat from * across, drawing up a loop in each vertical bar.
Step 2: With RS facing, working from left to right, work off the stitches:
Yarn over and draw through first loop on hook, * yarn over and draw through 2 loops on hook; repeat from * across.
Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for each row of Tunisian Crochet.

Use a double strand of each color throughout.
Each square on the Chart represents one stitch.
When working with several colors at once, cut an approximately 5 yard length of each color and let the ends hang freely on the back, or wind yarn on bobbins.
When changing colors, while working from Chart, always bring the new color under the working color to avoid leaving a hole. Do not carry yarn for more than 7 stitches.
The half double crochet edging is worked with the smaller hook and a double strand of yarn.

Helpful Tips:
Wind bobbins with a double strand of each color.
When working from Chart, place a ruler on the Chart, covering the rows above the row that is being worked.



Using Tunisian hook and a double strand of A, chain 81.

Rows 1 – 90: Work from Chart in Tunisian Crochet—80 sts .

At the end of Row 90, ch 1, and with smaller hook, work 1 slip st in the open space of each st of the last row. Fasten off.



Using smaller hook, join one strand each of D and F held together to edge of Throw.

Rnd 1: Ch 2 (counts as first hdc), hdc in each st around, work 3 dc in each corner, join with a slip st in top of beginning ch-2.

Fasten off.



Using yarn needle, weave in all ends.


Using larger hook and G, work chain st in every other st across as follows:

Push the yarn end through the Throw at Stitch 11 of Row 16.

Insert hook into next st, yarn over and pull up a loop, * skip next st, insert hook in next st, yarn over and draw through loop on hook; repeat from * across to knee of the skeleton.

Cut yarn and pull yarn end through last loop on hook and take through to WS of the Throw.

Repeat around remaining edges of the orange center section, skipping the areas where the broom handle, broom end, ghosts, moon and skeletons overlap the orange.

Using yarn needle and D, embroider lines onto broom (see photo).


Check out Caron's company profile and other great patterns!

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We all have that one family member that goes all out for Halloween. I know that Angela is that one in our family. I was over her house just the other day and she still had not taken down all of her Halloween things. I gently reminded her that she did not have that many days before Thanksgiving and had to get on the ball. I know I would never get this ready for her this year but since I have run across this post I think I will make this for her birthday and I have plenty of time to get it done.

This if the ultimate throw for the ultimate Halloween fan. I love this haunted Halloween afghan but I am not one to put out a lot of decorations during Halloween. Having no kids at home it is one of those holidays that just tend to pass us by until the trick or treaters come a knocking.

I love the look of this throw, but Im afraid its way too ambitious for me. Its originally designed to be worked in Tunisian crochet however I think you could probably work it just as well using Tapestry techniques instead. The included chart is wonderful. If you wanted something smaller, you could even use the chart as a cross stitch pattern, too.

This pattern is a good challenge for your Tunisian crochet skills! It has lots of color changes. Tunisian crochet already makes a thick fabric, so crocheting with two strands of yarn throughout this pattern per the directions will really make this throw thick and a bit heavy. Great for cold fall and winter nights!


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