Dino Hat


This Halloween you can dress your child in this cute Dino Hat. Halloween hats are fun to work up, especially when they're beginner patterns like this one. This design is written for babies three months old, but also provides crochet instructions for older ages so that you can make bigger sizes. Use this as a cute photo prop for your kids or just as a way to keep them warm in your arms while you hand out candy to trick-or-treaters on the front porch.


Crochet Hook4.5 mm hook, H/8 or 5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(3) Light/DK (21-24 stitches to 4 inches)

Take a look at our collection of some of the best Halloween crochet patterns we have to offer with these 141 Patterns to Crochet for Halloween!

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I would have loved to see this modeled just to get a better idea of how it would look on a person. I think it is a great beginner project that can be used as a photo prop or just as a hat to wear in the cold. What child would loose this dino hat? If you are smart enough, I am sure you can increase the size of the hat if wanting to crochet for a child.

I guess dinos will never go out of style. What an adorable little hat.

I can not get this pattern because my McAfee says there is something wrong with this site. If someone has the pattern please tell the person on the website there maybe a problem with their webpage. It is such a cute pattern and I would love to have it but will not risk my computer.


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