Chunky Fingerless Gloves


Chunky Fingerless Gloves

Chunky Fingerless Gloves
Chunky Fingerless Gloves

"The Chunky Fingerless Gloves are great for wearing whenever your hand gets cold, but you still need your fingers to text or type at home, the office or anytime. And they pair well with your favorite coat and scarf on a chilly day. This crochet pattern only use 94 yards of bulky weight yarn! This is a great project for beginners to practice foundation stitches and reverse single crochet, or the crab stitch. And it's a quick project to make in an evening."

NotesIt can be helpful make a gauge swatch with a 6.5mm or 8mm hook, if you do not have a 7mm hook on hand to ensure a comfortable fit.


Yarn Weight(5) Bulky/Chunky (12-15 stitches for 4 inches)

Crochet Gauge8 stitches x 5.1 rows = 3in. X 3in.

Materials List

  • Loops & Thread Woolike Chunky
  • Scissors
  • Yarn Needle

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Oooh, I think this is a fabulous yarn selection for these fingerless gloves. I can feel it just by looking at the images! I for one, have not ever attempted the crab stitch, but it looks like something I could learn very easily. You don't see many patterns that us this stitch, either. I could even use a contrasting color for the cuff area. idea- a mocha glove with a black band!

This Chunky Fingerless Gloves is probably the easiest gloves I've seen so far. It's mostly single crochet all throughout so this should be easy to make and early to finish. I want to make this in different colors. Great a gift to friends and family.

What a nice pattern. I read it and there is nothing to it. You should be able to follow along easily. The part I like best is the thumb. It's just not a slit for you to poke your thumb thru. It has like a small collar. Very nice idea.


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