Pinky Pie Baby Dress


Pinky Pie Baby Dress

Pinky Pie Crochet Baby Dress
Pinky Pie Crochet Baby Dress

"pinky pie crochet baby dress: hello every one,today i am sharing with you an other beautiful crochet baby dress named as pinky pie crochet baby dress. I have used cotton yarn for this dress but you can use any kind of dk weight yarn, you will also need some fancy stuff like ribbon or fancy button /bead to go on top of dress.i have used 3 fancy buttons on front. I have done a beautiful design using clusters and v stitches, I have also used double crochet for yoke part and for skirt part I have used shell stitch and pineapple stitch.all the stitches together look amazing."


Crochet HookD/3 or 3.25 mm hook

Yarn Weight(3) Light/DK (21-24 stitches to 4 inches)

Crochet Gaugeany

Finished Size0-6 month old

Materials List

  • dk/cotton yarn/wool
  • 3mm crochet hook
  • 3 fancy buttons
  • 2 buttons
  • yarn needle

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Pink was my Mom's favorite color and I am pretty partial to it also. However, I am leaning toward a different color for this adorable pinky pie baby dress. I think I will use a pale yellow to make this baby dress. I am excited about working through this with the video that has been provided.

Are those little pink pineapples that I am seeing in this pattern? Having a video is always a great plus but written directions are appreciated to. Maybe when I have the need, there will be written directions for this pinky pie baby dress. I am saving it to my baby items folder on

I love the look of this one. its so dainty and delicate. I love the color but it would be just as pretty in a pastel green, yellow or purple. I have a lot of friends that have daughters and grand daughters having babies in the spring. This will be so perfect for the baby showers.

What a beautiful dress this Pinky Pie Crochet Baby Dress is. I just wish there was a written pattern for this one to print and take while riding in the car. The video is well done and is fine and all but I don't always have my lap top with me. I have saved this one and will come back hoping for a written pattern. Thank you for sharing this video crochet pattern.

This is quite an awesome beautiful dress for a little girl that it should be made with a note to save this dress for the little girl's daughter or granddaughter.

What a gorgeous little party frock! I cant help thinking that worked in white, it would make a lovely christening dress, too. I love the open lace work and how the pineapples cascade down to the eyelet trim. You could work some of the motifs in different colors, but I like it best in a solid. The designer provides a two part instructional video but no written pattern at this time.

This is so cute. You can just picture a little one in it. I may make one change, maybe do the bodice in one color and the rest in another. Like pink and white or violet and cream. But the stitches will remain the same because they are gorgeous. Thank you!

I would have so much fun making this beautiful baby dress. I don't even have a baby, but there is always charity work. That is good for the heart and soul! I'd like to see this in a modern baby color, like a heathered light gray, or a pretty plum.


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