Cluster Crochet Cowl Pattern


Cluster Crochet Cowl Pattern

Cluster Crochet Cowl Pattern
Cluster Crochet Cowl Pattern

Do you need to make a crochet cowl right away? If you have some super bulky yarn on hand, then you're in luck. The Cluster Crochet Cowl Pattern is a quick crochet pattern that's easy to make, too, so you could make duplicates of this pattern if you have plenty of yarn. The cowl will look stylish against a winter coat or sweater, and will keep you warm even if the weather is feeling brisk. The pattern can be widened, too, giving you a look that's completely in line with your own personal style and preferences. 


Crochet HookM/13 or 9 mm hook

Yarn Weight(6) Super Bulky/Super Chunky (4-11 stitches for 4 inches)

Materials List

  • Super bulky/super chunky yarn (the blogger used Sirdar Denim Ultra)
  • M/13 or 9 mm hook

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I love this cowl, and I have just the yarn to work it up with. Last year, someone in one of the Facebook groups I frequent made a post about Dollar Tree having skeins for a dollar. My sister in TN sent me a bunch, and I scored even more at my local stores. I have a dark teal bulky yarn that will be perfect for this simple project. It might even make a little dent in my yarn stash, too.


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