Cuddle Bunny Pillow Pal


Cuddle Bunny Pillow Pal

Cuddle Bunny Pillow Pal
Cuddle Bunny Pillow Pal

"This simple pillow with bunny ears has a pocket to include small gifts or for carrying secret finds. Skills Used Basic crochet stitches: chain, single crochet Crocheting flat in rows, decreasing, increasing, seaming pieces together Special stitches: sc2tog (with written instructions in pattern and linked video tutorial) Skill Level Easy Finished Size 8” (20.5 cm) width x 7” (18 cm) height before adding Ears and stuffing. Materials Red Heart Hygge Fur yarn (100% nylon, 7 oz/200 g, 260 yd/238 m) – 1 skein in 0108 Cotton Tail, or approximately 195 yd (178.5 m) in any bulky weight, fur yarn. Fairfield Poly-Fil Crafter’s Choice Dry Packing Fiber Fill, 20 ounce bag. US Size H-8/5 mm crochet hook, or any size needed to obtain correct gauge. 12 mm amber safety eyes – 1 pair. 13 mm pink heart craft nose - 1. Stitch markers. Yarn needle. Gauge 18 sc = 4” (10 cm). Exact gauge is not critical for this project. Stitches should be small so that fiber filling doesn’t show."


Crochet HookH/8 or 5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(5) Bulky/Chunky (12-15 stitches for 4 inches)

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