Washcloth Set Crochet Pattern


Washcloth Set Crochet Pattern

Washcloth Set Crochet Pattern
Washcloth Set Crochet Pattern

"Around this time of year, I typically have everything figured out except for last minute gifts. I was racking my brain the other day for gift ideas for a friend and I came up with a great idea. A self-care kit with lotions and face masks. Just little ways to treat herself and de-stress. And I decided this washcloth set would be the perfect addition. A nice handmade touch. These washcloths are perfect for pampering. They’re stitched up using a beautiful lemon peel stitch and are made out of a 100% cotton yarn. Perfect for mild exfoliation and sensitive skin."


Crochet HookI/9 or 5.5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

Crochet Gauge2” = 5.5 single crochet

Finished Size9.5” by 9.5”

Materials List

  • Tapestry Needle
  • Sharp scissors

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