2 Sided Exfoliating Soap Sack


2 Sided Exfoliating Soap Sack

2 Sided Exfoliating Soap Sack
2 Sided Exfoliating Soap Sack

"By combining scrubby yarn (such as Scrub-ology cotton) with the smooth cotton of Peaches & Creme, you get a lovely reversible soap sack that can be used every day. Just turn it over to the scrubby side for some exfoliation when you want it, without the need for an additional washcloth. Paired with a bar of soap, this makes a lovely quick and inexpensive gift on its own or as a nice addition to a spa basket."


Crochet Hook4.5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

Materials List

  • Smooth cotton yarn (such as Peaches & Creme)
  • Cotton scrubby yarn

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