
Nutcracker Rug

By: Ruth del Valle for

Crochet yourself this fabulous nutcracker rug for the holiday season. Greet your guests with a handmade rug. This also makes for a really nice gift. This festive crochet rug pattern could also make a bright and unexpected addition to your bathroom for the holiday season! The crochet rug can be placed in almost any room in your home, so get creative with where you plan to place it. The yarn in this crochet pattern can also be customized with your choice of color, so consider changing the pattern to include the colors of your favorite sports team. This crochet pattern is ideal for those crocheters with skills at the advanced level.

Crochet HookF/5 or 3.75 mm hook

Yarn Weight(2) Fine (23-26 stitches to 4 inches)


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