
Crochet Pattern Editor - It's A Hard Frogg's Life

By: knotorious loops from knotorious.loops
Crochet Pattern Editor - Its A Hard Froggs Life

"You know what sucks? Writing crochet patterns! And I do NOT talk about designing them. I love designing crochet patterns (exhibit A, my designer work as knotorious.loops). But writing them down and getting them ready for release always ends up being a pain in the ass. Think about inserting rounds at a later time is major trouble. Not even getting started with providing patterns in multiple formats / languages. So many lil' nuisances making the whole crochet pattern creation experience... a Major drag. And pattern tests are a good thing, they really are. But honestly, I would really like my testers to be able to focus on my design choices and what they think of my pattern instead of wasting valuable time eagerly counting stitches and summing them up. It's a hard frogg's life, but that's about to change NOW! That's where this neat lil' crochet pattern editor comes into play. Made with love by a pattern designer for pattern designers. Brought to life to make your froggin' life a teeny weeny less hard. Spend more time being creative with your crochet and let me take care of the necessary but annoying rest - be it counting stitches, checking if all the stitches add up, translating to UK terminology... you name it! Designing crochet patterns just got frogging awesome again! Features: - Stitch counts for every row/round are calculated automatically from the entered stitches making your pattern as flexible as your design ideas. - After writing down your pattern once, you can simply export to different (file) formats or even terminologies (US, UK, DE) without any additional manual effort needed. - Whether all of the stitches add up is evaluated on the fly and does not need be checked manually ever again. - No more confusion on what the best place to write down your patterns is. You just found it!"

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