
How to Make a Slip Knot

By: Julia Wiatr, Editor,
How to Make a Slip Knot
How to Make a Slip Knot

The first step in beginning your crochet pattern, after choosing your yarn and hook size, is by making a slip knot. This is the starting loop you will be working your chains or foundation chains from. It's your starting point for all projects, and it's a resizeable loop so that you can use it with any hook size or yarn weight you have. 




  1. Unwind your skein a little and grab your yarn tail (that you'll be working from) in your hand.

  2. Lay your yarn across your nondominant hand and secure the tail with your thumb, ring finger and pinky. 

  3. Wrap the working end (the end that connects to the yarn ball) around your pointer and middle finger. 

  4. Bring your working tail down between your middle and ring fingers and secure it with your thumb, ring finger and pinky. 

  5. Insert your hook through middle and hook the far strand, bringing it through. Then drop your pointer and middle finger. 

  6. Tighten the yarn a bit and drop everything else. Now you can hold the knot and pull the tail to test it out. You can easily adjust the size by tugging on the tail or the loop itself!