Crocheted Ruffle Scarf


Crocheted Ruffle Scarf

Crocheted Ruffle Scarf
Crocheted Ruffle Scarf

"This super simple crocheted ruffle scarf is so easy to make and is feminine and unique! Perfect for a last minute gift or a gift to yourself. Using a light weight yarn, you will follow an easy stitch pattern consisting of half double crochet and double crochet stitches. There are only a few increase rows so it's easy enough for a beginner crocheter. While this uses light weight yarn, you can also use worsted weight or chunky for a heavier scarf!"


Crochet HookH/8 or 5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(3) Light/DK (21-24 stitches to 4 inches)

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This is cute. I have a white knitted ruffle scarf that was given to me and I never thought I would see a crocheted one like it. This is perfect as a gift.

Oh this is cute. Ruffles give anything a more feminine look and feel. This looks like a super easy project to make and consists mainly and just half double crochet and double crochet stitches. The one shown was made using a light weight neutral color, but I like brighter colors and will adjust mine.

I love that this sophisticated looking scarf is designated as an Easy project because this is the first project of the year for my senior ladies. I have a few who have balked at making a chunky winter scarf for themselves but have been game as theyll make it for a relative. I know that they are going to love this stylish option. Even at their advanced ages, they never go anywhere without being completely turned out.

This one is worth saving the pattern for later! What a beautiful job Mama In A Stitch has done with this ruffle scarf. I did not think that it was created in two pieces, but she says the ruffle is first created then the straight scarf part is added on. I also think it would be lovely in a pale green-blue or a blush. So feminine!


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