Lemon Squeezy Baby Blanket


Lemon Squeezy Baby Blanket

Lemon Squeezy Baby Blanket
Lemon Squeezy Baby Blanket

"The Lemon Squeezy Baby Blanket crochet pattern is an easy crochet pattern. You should know how to chain, single crochet, double crochet, complete a standing single crochet, and spike stitch for this pattern. The finished baby blanket is approximately 30" by 28". I do provide the multiple, and it would be very easy to make this blanket bigger or smaller as desired. The pattern calls for approximately 1100 yds of dk weight yarn and a size H8 5mm crochet hook."


Crochet HookH/8 or 5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(3) Light/DK (21-24 stitches to 4 inches)

Crochet Gauge15 sts x 20 rows = 4 in wide X 4 in tall

Finished SizeBaby Blanket - 30" x 28"

Materials List

  • 1100 yds of dk (#3) weight yarn in 2 or 3 colors. Pattern is written for 3.
  • H8/ 5mm crochet hook.
  • Scissors
  • Yarn Needle

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